Application for Residential Land / Housing Unit

1. Can I apply without my husband/wife?

Answer: Once you are married, in a common-law relationship or legally married, you will be required to state his/her name on your application. At the stage of allocation, you can opt either for joint ownership or equal share.

Answer: Yes. However, you must demonstrate that you are receiving financial support.

Answer: Applicants are entitled to be allocated only one house lot for residential purposes only.

Answer: Yes. However, a letter requesting the transfer to another region must first be submitted to the agency.

Answer: CH&PA will inform you when you have moved to the next step along the allocation process. Also, you can use the online inquiry option available on the agency’s website.

Answer: The income categories for residential house lots are determined by the location of the lot in a region and scheme as well as its size and price.

Allocation of Residential Land

1. Can I apply without my husband/wife?

1. What is the waiting period for allocation?

Answer: Allottees will be informed when CH&PA is ready to process Agreements of Sale for their respective scheme.

Answer: When the agency is in receipt of the cadastral plan, the Survey Unit makes contact with allottees to arrange a date and time for verification of boundaries.

Answer: A written request seeking a refund, all original receipts and allocation documents as well as, copies of identification must be submitted to CH&PA for a re-fund to be processed. Refunds are done monthly.

Allocation of Housing Unit (Turn-Key House)

1. If I register for a house, will I be taken off the list for land?

Answer: Registering for a housing unit does not directly eliminate one’s name from the list of applicants for land only. Prior to allocation, an applicant can request a switch from turn-key to land only.

Answer: Once registration is completed and the preferred house is available, a letter will be prepared and sent to the bank for prequalification for a loan.

Answer: If the bank does not approve a mortgage, a cash payment can be made. However, payment should be completed within one (1) month.

Answer: There is no specified timeframe. However, as soon as the preferred housing unit is available the agency will make contact with prequalified applicants.

Answer: Modifications to the existing structure can be done one (1) year after the issuance of keys.

Answer: The banking process typically takes about 1-3 months.

Certificate of Title / Transport

1. What is the difference between a Certificate of Title and a Transport?

Answer: Both the Transport and the Certificate of Title are titles to land that confers ownership of the land and/or property. However, they are under two different forms of registration systems.

Answer: It takes approximately three (3) to six (6) months to process a Certificate of Title / Transport.

Answer: CH&PA facilitates the signing of documents to process the Certificate of Title/Transport. However, the processing of those documents is done at either the Land or Deeds Registry.

Answer: CH&PA will mail a correspondence to allottees, informing that the Certificate of Title/Transport is available. The letter will state the requirements needed to uplift same.

Answer: There is a checklist of various documents that you would need to submit to the CH&PA in order to facilitate the processing of any of the above-mentioned re-quests.

Regularisation of Squatting

1. Can I make payments for a house lot that I have been occupying for a long time?

Answer: Yes. However, the house lot must be located in an area that has been regularised or is suitable for regularisation.

Answer: Yes. However, the person must not be the owner of a property. (A checklist of the documents required for this process should be obtained.)

Answer: Yes. (A checklist of the documents required for this process should be obtained.)

Answer: Yes. However, disposal of property is subject to the terms and conditions of the allocation that are outlined in the Agreement of Sale and Certificate of Title/ Transport.


1. Will the area that I am occupying be regularised or will I have to be relocated?

Answer: CH&PA will have to assess and determine through the relevant departments, whether or not the area is suitable for regularisation before relocation can be considered.

Answer: An inventory exercise will be conducted of the area. This will be followed by the CH&PA identifying the area to which the informal settlers will be relocated. Then, the CH&PA will employ a multi-sectoral operation approach to execute the relocation process. The relocating households are engaged throughout the process.

Home Improvement Subsidy

1. Do I have to pay for the materials?

Answer: The applicant does not pay for the materials only provide the labour to do the works requested.

Answer: A date for distribution of materials will be scheduled. Nonetheless, once you would have received an approval letter it is certain that the CH&PA will be providing the materials for the approved works. You will be contacted once we are ready to begin disbursement and will have 6 weeks from the time you receive the materials to complete all, agreed on, improvement works.

Answer: The applicant is required to provide the labour to affect the improvement works. CH&PA provides the materials.

Answer: CH&PA will provide the materials. The beneficiary provides all the labour.

Answer: No. The focus is on improving immediate living conditions such as: roof repairs, floors, expansion to address overcrowding, sanitation improvements (e.g. replacement of a pit latrine with an indoor water closet), and rainwater harvesting and update of materials for wet areas (e.g. tiling for bathroom/toilet).

Answer: The project boundaries are Diamond/Grove, EBD, Central Georgetown to Victoria, ECD and specific areas in La Parfaite Housing Development (Westminster, Recht-Door-Zee, Onderneeming, Lust-en-Rust, and Parfait Harmonie Phase 2). Once you would have applied and have received a letter confirming you met the eligibility criteria you will be visited. When verification visits commence within your area the CH&PA staff will contact you to schedule a date to visit your home.

Answer: The income ceiling is GYD 75,000. Persons earning above this ceiling are ineligible to participate.

Core Home Support

1.What is the cost of the Core Home?

Answer: The cost of the Core Home is approximately GY $5,000,000. The homes are built at a subsidized cost with the applicant making an equity contribution of GY$100,000.

Answer: Once you receive a letter from CH&PA, that you have been approved to benefit from a Core Home it is certain that CH&PA will be constructing for you. You will be contacted once we are ready to begin construction.